Before I started going to my home church, I truly believed that my relationship with Jesus was personal. It was no one else's business. It was between me and God. I cringe when I think about what my old myspace description of my faith was. "I don't have a religion, I have a relationship with Jesus." Sounds great doesn't it? Wasn't true at all. I thought it was. I even wore a cross around my neck. And as long as I could tell people that my relationship with God was my own, I didn't have to be accountable for how fake it was. Fast forward to around 2015 when I started going to church again. The pastor sure seemed focused on relationships. Always pushing small groups and open homes. I approached it like jumping into a freezing pool. One tiny bit at a time. That was until I served for the first time at VBS. Then I realized something, I loved these people! Then I wanted to just cannonball right into everything. I have a small group now. I also consider my fami...