Recently I have felt stuck in my faith. Not that I haven't been growing, but I have been stuck in the "in between." I have been seeing so much of what seems to be contradictions in the bible. Easy examples of this, are all God and all man, freedom and servitude, truth and grace. What God has been showing me, is that they aren't contradictions at all. That word "and" joins them. They go together. Then I really started asking Him, how can I live in the "and"? You see, my whole life, I've been about the truth. Yes God gives me grace, but I don't give it to others, because I didn't know how to give grace and truth. I was about the rules. I wanted to be in the "and," I just didn't know how to reconcile both in my head. They will know us by our love, but they know us by our rules. I'm a christian guilty of keeping people from Christ. I have always been about following the rules. If you do this, stay away from that...