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Showing posts from December, 2017

It is well with my soul

This has been a rough time in my life. When it rains, it truly pours. In the recent past, my car has broken down, I have purchased a newer car, which promptly broke down the next day. It's been one thing after another with this car. My landlord decided to raise my rent by a good amount every month. I have to have some pretty expensive dental work done next month. Today alone has had many let downs. I woke up to a new voicemail saying I had money deposited into an account. When I checked, it wasn't true. It's the same four dollars that was there yesterday. I was expecting 300 dollars to come into another account from a work award. It never came. Upon further inspection it came months ago when I wasn't expecting it, and I just thought it was part of my paycheck. Which is like never getting the money, when you can't enjoy that it's extra. All of this was before noon. Then my coffee pot died. We all know how traumatizing that can be. My paycheck this week has been

O Come let us adore Him

Christmas. The time for Christians to spread the real reason for the season, and anticipate the second coming. The time to be laser focused on Jesus. Here I sit, writing my first blog in a while. I have let myself get distracted by the world, as I do sometimes. This Christmas has been very different for me. I haven't been in the spirit of Christmas this year. At least not the secular one that I'm usually in. Enjoying Christmas movies, and songs, and decorations. None of those things have made my heart joyful this year. I think it's because of the things God has been showing me. The real Christmas story. You see, God has been showing me a lot, through sermons, prayer, and His word. I have been reading in Leviticus. This is my first time reading in Leviticus, and I have been properly warned. It is one of the more tedious books in the bible, and leaves people wanting to pull their hair out at the monotony of it. I am sure this won't be a shared view, but I'm rather en

From dusty roads to paradise

My mama passed on a notion to me, that she heard from some preacher she can't remember. The Bible is our sustenance, our manna. We need it daily. DAILY. Just like food. And who doesn't eat? Dead people. I remember the first time I heard that. It was so eye opening to the people I saw every day. I could tell just by a simple conversation who wasn't actually partaking in the word of God daily. The spiritually dead. One man in particular described that to me. He is my brother. I love him dearly, but honestly he isn't the type you'd want over for dinner. He's not a bad person. Made some pretty bad decisions over his life, but it's the language that would get you. He could make a sailor blush. I've never heard so many curse words in one sentence before. Matthew 15:18 says But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. Judging by that, my brother was the most spiritually dead person I had ever met. Saddest part is, if you