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Showing posts from April, 2018

Nobody puts Jesus in the corner

I was recently at a friend's house. I would like to start this by saying she's a wonderful God fearing Christian and this is not meant to say otherwise. It's a nice country house with beautiful things, including a Faberge egg, which I still don't understand the point of. Among all of these things, in the corner, she had a cabinet with a little figurine of Jesus on top. It was the only sign in the whole house that suggested she was a Jesus follower. I instantly felt the spirit say "Don't put Jesus in the corner of your life." Too often Jesus is just a facet of who we are. He isn't allowed to infiltrate every single aspect of our lives. Stay where we put you, Lord. You can have this one part of my heart, this one part of my life. We like to use Jesus when it suits us. When we need to feel better about ourselves, or even to make people think about us in a certain way. This happens often in churches. We walk in, sing to our God, listen to a sermon, and t

The book is better

I watched the Ten Commandments movie the other day with the kids. You know, the 1956 film with Charlton Heston, and the worst special effects my boys claim they've ever seen. In the movie, I noticed a lot of differences from the account in Exodus. Of course when I was a kid and watched the movie, this was the story of Moses. He was a military commander who had a chance to be Pharaoh. He was a hero in love with a woman. None of which is actually in the bible. I went back and looked because I couldn't believe the differences. There are a ton. They didn't even have all of the plagues in the movie! Of course it is  Hollywood, so there is bound to be some dramatization. Movies and books differ all the time. This is exactly why I will always argue that the book is better. We compare a lot of things. Lately God has been speaking to me a lot about making comparisons. We compare ourselves to others. The things we have, our behaviors, decisions. We compare where we are in life, in