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Showing posts from October, 2018

Spirit Lead Me

These past few months in my life have been strange to say the least. I have felt God leading me in places that have required complete trust in Him. I had been living in a way that doesn't require much faith. I had pushed God to the sidelines. My thoughts were simply, I will tag Him in when I need Him. I hadn't been giving Him my everything. I had been holding onto all of it, because it's all mine to bear. Recently I was walking down the hallway and saw Arilyn trying to pick up her scooter. It was too heavy. Without thinking twice, Arilyn looked up at her big brother and said "here Tahcowa, you carry this. It's too heavy for me, but you're strong." In that moment I wanted to be like my daughter. I wanted to look up at God and say "Here, this is all too heavy for me, but you're strong." I have been praying for Him to make my desire His desires. I have been asking the Holy Spirit to lead me. I know that the plans He has for my life, are infinite