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Happily Ever After

              I remember the day we got married. I was beautiful, dressed in white. My gorgeous groom standing at the end of the aisle. Our forever waiting on the other side of 'I Do'. I didn't even hesitate. I was never more sure of anything in my life. This man was for me. Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending. I blinked. I'm in a courtroom with that same man, before a magistrate. The best thing we ever did, standing between us, tiny hands tucked into ours, as we dissolve our family.  I regret more than anything that I didn't think ahead and get a sitter. Instead, I let my daughter witness the destruction I was trying to protect her from. I waited until I was alone, then I cried for my daughter. For the consequences my choices would have on her life. For how my decision would shape her as a person. For the family I ripped from her.              Divorce is heavy. It affects my children, my witness, my family and friends. It even affects my relationship
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The Opposite of More

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This is war

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Angel of Death

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Love God, Love People

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The Road Not Taken

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Just because it's simple, doesn't mean it's easy

I hope someday that this blog is read by my children, and I do try to keep them in mind when I write them. I want them to know all that God is teaching me. I think sometimes when we write important stuff, we surround a point with a bunch of useless words. This was put on my heart and I'm going to keep this one simple. Love is a choice. Hate is a choice. Joy is a choice. Anger is a choice. What you choose, is what you will become. Choose love. Choose joy. Over and over again. Choose Jesus. Over and over again.