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Showing posts from November, 2017

8 minutes

It's very hard for me to tell this story, because I don't want any focus on me. I considered not telling it, or pretending it was someone else's story. I prayed about it, and here we are. I think it's important to say that I pray before I write any blog, and then I wait for confirmation before posting any blog. It started as a normal enough day. I had a million things to do, before I had to race back home in time to get the boys off the bus, and wait on the people in our small group to show up. I was in Sam's club, for a specific item, when I saw cozy thick blankets on sale for $9.99. I wasn't even headed in that direction, when I heard the Spirit say "get 2." I picked up 2 of the blankets and put them in the cart. I thought it was getting colder outside and I'm sure I will pass some homeless that need a blanket. I got a few more items and left the store. I went over to another store and got a few items there as well. Last place I had to go was to

Amazing Grace

Grace. The free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. That's what the definition of grace is. We talk about grace all the time. God's grace. Showing grace. I even named my daughter Arilyn Grace. I didn't understand the magnitude of grace. God has really been showing me lately that grace isn't just meant for God's gift of salvation that we don't deserve. It's also giving grace to others when they don't deserve it. Something Pastor Paul said recently has stuck with me. He said we aren't meant to be consumers, we're meant to be conduits. So it's not meant to just stop with us. It's meant to flow through us to others. Matthew 18:21-35 The Parable of the unforgiving servant 21  Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” 22  Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy-seven

little wooden well

When I got pregnant with Arilyn, we knew it was time to move. We were fine in an apartment when it was just Brandon, the boys, and I. Now we would be five. Five isn't meant for an apartment. It was time to start looking for a house. I had always wanted to raise my kids in the country like I was raised, but I had given up on that dream since my oldest was 9 and we still lived in the city. This might be my chance to actually get us out into the country. Let me say ahead of time that we do not own our house. We rent. If God wants us here for good, then he will provide the way to buy. Until then, we are content in the waiting. So I start looking online. Any website I can think of. Even asking a certain wonderful redhead realtor. I was on every newspaper 'for rent' ad I could find. There are a few places we looked at. Most of them aren't worth mentioning. Some were so bad, some were okay, but lacking one important thing or another. Then we found two houses in Milford Center

psalm 9:1

There are a number of different reasons people decide to go to church, or go back to church. As many of you know, I had someone who once was very significant in my life, pass away. When that happened, I wanted to know  who  God was. God used that to deepen my relationship with Him, but I was already through the doors, and in the pew. About a week before I starting going to church, my youngest son proclaimed that he didn't believe in God. He actually said that God isn't real. If you're a mother, take a minute to feel that. Imagine your child, approximately four years of age, looking you straight in the eyes, and telling you that the one who created him, doesn't exist. A panic set in my chest. What was I doing? I was just going through the motions of life, and I didn't teach him the most important thing. The meaning of it all. That the only thing that matters at the end of your life, is what you did with Jesus. My son can't do something with someone he doesn'

Millie aka Callie

This is the story of when God gave me Millie. Me and Brandon had been talking about getting a dog, and I was searching for the perfect one. I knew it would be a rescue so I started checking any sites I could think of. I was looking for a tricolor, one that looked like a shepherd, one that didn't get too big. I knew I was being picky, but after all it would have to be a dog we would love. I was searching one day on facebook. I saw a profile picture of a dog. It looked like the perfect dog. The exact one I was searching for. I clicked on their facebook. After browsing for a very short period, I saw the dog named "callie," was still available for adoption. That in itself was a miracle, because she was the most beautiful pup I had ever seen. Under her picture said processing applications. The comments under her picture were all saying things like "we want her!" and "she's so cute! Is she still available?" Right out of the gate it seemed grim, but I se