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Showing posts from March, 2018

For one so small, you seem so strong now

Today my firstborn turns 13. I can't even believe I'm the mom of a teenager. Yesterday I was a teenager. Then I blinked and here we are. All my parents out there know that your first kid is mostly trial and error. They get the worst version of you because you don't know what you're doing. When I had Tahcowa, I was 20 years old. Barely a grown up. Barely taking care of myself. When Cowa was 2 months old, I started nursing school. I can remember me and Tahcowa in our apartment getting ready for bed. He was 8 months old. I carried him upstairs and passed by the mirror on my closet door. I stopped and looked in it. Tahcowa was always a big kid so even that young, he filled my arms and was heavy. I remember thinking that we may have been a broken family, but we were still a family. Tahcowa didn't speak until he was 3. He was diagnosed with mixed expressive and receptive language delay. Which means he couldn't understand sometimes what you were saying to him, and he

week 12

Can I be honest for a minute? I haven't written in my blog in over a month. I got distracted by the empty promises of the world. It happens. I kept trying to think of a subject for my next post. I was going to write it as if the drifting didn't happen. As it were, God doesn't share my ideas of sweeping mistakes under the rug and pretending they don't exist. I was part of a group that was reading the Bible in a year. I also had a small group. Both of these things fell apart around the same time. The two other people that were reading through the bible with me, got distracted. There went my accountability. I was stopped at week 12 for more than a month. I had no one to keep me on track, except God, who should have been the only one that mattered. The other members of my small group kept cancelling on me. They had other stuff going on with their lives, and just didn't have the time to commit anymore. Or lost interest. I started a new business with young living esse