I'm not sure how to start a blog, as I've never even read one, so I suppose I will wing it. This blog is to serve two purposes. The first, is I want a place where I can talk about all that God has done in my life. The way He changes me and my perspective. The second, is a little morbid haha. If and when I'm gone, I want a place my kids can go to read about what God has done in my life. That maybe it will give them strength to follow, and hope to persevere, knowing God is everything. With that said,
Tahcowa, Kaden, and Arilyn- I hope that you know how much you are loved. That I always had great intentions, just sometimes lacked follow through. I hope that when you guys are older and read mommy's blog, you will see the love that I have for the Lord, and find Him to be the most important thing in your life as well. All I ever wanted as a mother, was to get you three to the foot of the cross. That's where real love is, and I'd give everything for you to see that. I love you guys.
Love Mom
Tahcowa, Kaden, and Arilyn- I hope that you know how much you are loved. That I always had great intentions, just sometimes lacked follow through. I hope that when you guys are older and read mommy's blog, you will see the love that I have for the Lord, and find Him to be the most important thing in your life as well. All I ever wanted as a mother, was to get you three to the foot of the cross. That's where real love is, and I'd give everything for you to see that. I love you guys.
Love Mom
My real journey began a few years ago. You see, I grew up "Christian," I went to church a few times on a regular basis. I knew about God, I just didn't KNOW Him. And then my high school sweetheart died. Now this is a person who I hadn't been around in many years, but I still adored him as a person. His death rocked my entire world, and shook my faith if I'm being honest. It made me finally look up. Finally wonder who in the world this God figure was. Who did He think He was, messing up my perfect image of everything. It took me awhile actually to start really searching Him out. I didn't want anything good to come from this tragedy. That was my protest against God. I blamed Him for it. I figured out later that He just turns tragedy into testimony, He isn't tearing us down. We do that to ourselves. He's just building us back up. Once I started looking for Him, reading about Him, praying to Him, I was shocked! The King of the World loves little broken me. Loves me enough to meet me where I am, and lead me to His open arms. He's been changing me since that day. I will never forget it. I'd be lying if I said it doesn't hurt to think about my old friend. But how fitting for me to give my testimony on his birthday. Considering he is the one who led me to discover God, the true God, not the genie I thought He was. So happy birthday Trevor, you impacted every person you met. 💜
God has changed so much in my life, and in my heart. I still have a long way to go, and that's okay. Jesus still has a lot of work to do in me, and that's the point of this blog to me. To share as he works in me. Because this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
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